Curly hair is in, and whether your curls are natural – lucky you – or man-made, there are specific ways to sleep so that they will be fresh the next day.
Using Satin
There are two ways to use satin to maintain your curls. The first way is especially good for short or medium length hair. Take a satin piece of fabric or satin pillowcase, and piling your curls on the top of your head, wrap your head in the satin. Cotton causes friction and static, but satin is smooth and caresses the hair. If your hair is very long, just drape the satin cloth over your pillow and spread your hair over it.
Doing the Pineapple
No, this is not a new dance, but it is a tried and true way to keep your curls in good shape. Pile your hair on the top of your head and tie it there loosely with a ribbon or piece of fabric. Do not use any kind of elastic as it is sure to leave a ridge in your hair.
Doing the Twists
Although the twist was a dance, this is a method of saving curls that are beginning to fall a bit. Separate your hair into two bunches, as if you were going to make braids. Apply a gentle moisturizer to the hair and then make two twists, allowing them to hang down. This will insure that you have beautiful waves in your hair and that it still looks fresh.
Maintaining curls in your hair does not require a lot from you. If you don’t wish to be frying your hair every day with the curling iron, or adding more products, these simple methods will help your curls look new every day until you are ready to wash your hair.